Oh, hey.
What do you really need to know about me?
Is it all my “I am‘s” that are most important?
Is it useful to know I’m 6’6”? That I lived in New Orleans for 18 years and, though I don’t live there anymore, it’s a part of my soul? That I’m a singer-songwriter, authentic communication coach, copywriter, author, speaker, and that guy who writes on the back of his car. (That all fits nicely in my social profiles.)
Or is it all my “I was” bits that matter?
I was a college dropout. But returned and finished with honors 12 years later. That my degree is in Human and Organizational Development because — as I toured the country serving as a folksinger and speaker during those 12 years — people kept asking me about how to live their best lives and I wanted better answers.
Is it useful to know I was trained as a life coach through the Coaches Training Institute? That I was once married but long ago divorced? Or that not long after I went bankrupt?
Or maybe it’s my labels that you need?
Labels defining elements of my neurodiversity like ADHD, dyslexia, depression, and anxiety? Or my embrace of those labels (you’re welcome) while also giving them the middle finger (I’m more than them)?
Is it my love of road trips, sunsets, mountains, deep talks, old movies (and romcoms), or porch sitting? How rarely does coffee with a friend go less than two hours — followed by needing to go within for days? My inclination to hermit? My love of performing and how, as a performer (and, I suppose, a person), I seem to be part comic and part some kind of priest?
Where I’m coming from…
You did not come here to suffer.
You are not one beat late.
I don't give answers. I direct you to yours.
"I don't know" is rarely true.
Joy and pain are information.
Tell the truth. Start with you.
Being the change is a personal revolution.
Change is practice. Proceed gently.
We're all making this up as we go.
You are perfect, whole, & complete.
If I were you, I’d mostly want to know why you matter to me.
I don’t do anything offered on this site except for the love of it. And at the core of all, for me, is purpose. My best life feels deeply tied to serving you as you live your own story ever more deeply. Your unique you-ness.
If you’ve been waiting for permission to leap into more of you, to live more of your story, that’s why I’m here. For you.
And that’s what you need to know about me.
Ready to go a bit deeper together?